Can I Wait Until Spring to Repair a Storm-Damaged Roof?
December 16, 2020

Storm damage repairs are notoriously difficult during the winter months. Icy conditions paired with freezing temperatures make physical work that much more strenuous. At Weather Restorations, however, we work every day, no matter the seasonal conditions, to ensure our customers and their businesses are safe inside.

When a storm does hit, and its aftermath causes damage to your roofing system, gutters, or siding, you might wonder if you can “hold off” on hiring a contractor to make the repairs in the spring. To make the right decision that will protect the integrity of your roof, there are two main factors you’ll want to consider:

  1. The extent of the storm damage
  2. Your overall roof’s condition

The Extend of the Storm Damage

Allow yourself time to carefully inspect the exterior (or interior) storm damage done to your roof. A tree that was once in your front yard but now lays on top of your garage is a no brainer. You definitely need to call in the pros. But a few missing shingles here or there may not look too dangerous at first; when in reality, this type of storm damage can leave your roof susceptible to snow, rain, and moisture that can eventually lead to roof leaks.

For this step, it’s always better to leave the evaluation of the damage to the experts. Contacting a storm repair specialist like Weathersafe Restorations will grant you more confidence to decide the best time to repair storm damage.

How our process works is a member of our team will come out to your home or business and assess the scene with you. We’ll help you identify the overall damage and the type of repair(s) needed, help you decide whether the repairs are immediate or can wait until spring, and then help you file an insurance claim on your behalf to ensure the repair or replacement is covered when it comes time to do the work.

Overall Roof Condition

The storm damage itself isn’t the only place our specialists will look into, so to help save time, here are some questions they’ll ask that you’ll want to know ahead of time.

Roof Age

How old is your roof. We already know the typical age for any roofing system. Standard asphalt shingles, for instance, last about 15 to 20 years, while guidelines for metal ones can be up to 50 years.

Roof History

Have you experienced storm damage before? And if so, did you ever call in a professional to assess the damage and repair the roof or did you leave it?

In certain situations, it may be deemed more beneficial to replace the roof rather than repair the storm damage. This will depend on many varying factors, including the age of your roof, but rest assured, our team will walk you through your options and help you feel confident about each next step.

Typically, whether you’re doing a storm repair or a full roof replacement, you’ll want to get the work done sooner rather than later. Especially here in the Midwest, where wet winter conditions can cause lasting damage to your home. You’re already at risk of ice dams, freezing gutters, and drafty windows – so, why add the extra stress of expanded roof damage?

Trust Weathersafe for Your Storm Damage Repairs

No person can really predict the level of storm damage one can expect each winter, but at Weathersafe, we have the extensive experience to fix any problems that arise, big or small, due to storm damage.

When the weather gets cold and the hail or snow comes down, rest assured that you have an alley here to support you! Call us for a free estimate today!

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Contact Weathersafe Restoration

For more information on how our team can assist in your residential, commercial, or multi-family exterior repairs, contact us today for a free estimate.